Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Removing an entire site from Google

Yesterday I was asked how to remove an entire site that you own from Google listings.
I knew I'd seen this somewhere before, but was clicking around and couldn't find it.
I spoke to the amazing John Mueller, who showed me the way.

Please note that if you don't own the site, this will not work. This is only for sites that you own, and can edit
So, here's how to do it.
  1. Add a robots.txt file to your web server that contains something like
    User-agent: * 
    Disallow: /
  2. Register and verify your site on Google Webmaster Tools.
  3. Pick the site you want to remove from the dashboard.
  4. Click "site configuration"
  5. Click "crawler access"
  6. Click "remove URL"
  7. Click "New removal request"
  8. Click "Your entire site"
  9. Enter your website
  10. Relax

The removal tool is also available through other means, but if you don't take that route, you'll only be able to remove one page at a time, which isn't ideal if you've got a whole directory or even site indexed in error.

Anyway, hope that was useful!

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